Shipping by Air
We ship our puppies on climate controlled aircraft in airline approved carriers. We adhere to all the guidelines set out by the airline companies.
We try to choose flights with minimal layovers. We have found that the airlines are very careful with the pets. And the pets sleep most of the way. We ship out of Winnipeg, Manitoba from the Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport. We have had positive experiences shipping our pets out of that airport. Note: Some airlines handle animal transport through their cargo facilities and other offer counter to counter services. |
The cost to ship a pet varies, depending on where the pet goes. This is discussed on an individual basis, but the shipping quote will include: transportation to the airport, shipping crate and flight. Within Canada it is generally around $300, outside of Canada, it is varied due to health paper regulations in addition to flight costs etc.
Identification must be shown to collect your puppy, so it is important you let us know who will meet your puppy so the correct name is on the shipping documents.
lf more than one pet is being shipped in the same shipping crate, there will only be one fee charged. Flight regulations allow for two pets under the age of six months and less than 20 pounds each to be shipped together in a single airline shipping crate at no additional charge.
Your puppy will be freshly groomed and bathed prior to shipping, but it is likely that they will need a bath when they arrive! Please DO NOT let your pet down to go to the bathroom or stretch its' legs near the cargo facility. All kinds of animals are toileted there and your puppy can pick up viruses, bacteria or parasites that could seriously harm them. Instead, take it home or a few miles away to let your new puppy "do their business". Please be sure to have a leash on your pet, as it will be much safer!
Identification must be shown to collect your puppy, so it is important you let us know who will meet your puppy so the correct name is on the shipping documents.
lf more than one pet is being shipped in the same shipping crate, there will only be one fee charged. Flight regulations allow for two pets under the age of six months and less than 20 pounds each to be shipped together in a single airline shipping crate at no additional charge.
Your puppy will be freshly groomed and bathed prior to shipping, but it is likely that they will need a bath when they arrive! Please DO NOT let your pet down to go to the bathroom or stretch its' legs near the cargo facility. All kinds of animals are toileted there and your puppy can pick up viruses, bacteria or parasites that could seriously harm them. Instead, take it home or a few miles away to let your new puppy "do their business". Please be sure to have a leash on your pet, as it will be much safer!
International Shipping
Yes, we do pet shipping internationally as well! If you would like to fly in and pick up your pet, we would LOVE to meet you, show you where you puppy got their start, introduce you to their parents etc. If however, that is not a possibility, we can ship your pet out to you. Each country has their own regulations for importing puppies, so the prices vary depending on the regulations.
The various pieces of paperwork needed to have the puppy shipped to that country will be the financial responsibility of the new owner.
The various pieces of paperwork needed to have the puppy shipped to that country will be the financial responsibility of the new owner.
Car Pools
We have put together car pools on occasion when the puppies are travelling to the same area. This helps out all expecting families; as well as providing brothers and sisters to travel with.
Traveling Companion
From time to time, some of our puppy families have been interested in out puppy/handler companionship service. Instead of sending the puppy on the airline via cargo, a human from our facility travels with the puppy every step of the way, meeting the new family at the airport in their city. This allows the puppy to relax as they rely on their human companion that they've known all their life to take care of them. It allows them to travel together in the cabin, many times. And it allows for the handler to let puppy out of the crate, taking care of the puppy's personal needs during layover. Prices vary with this service, depending on the location being flown to.